

   上海戏剧学院副教授、硕士生导师,田汉戏剧奖获得者,国际著名声音训练方法菲茨莫里斯声音训练认证教师(Certified Teacher of Fitzmaurice Voicework®)。

    中国人民大学法学学士,厦门大学法律硕士,上海戏剧学院戏剧与影视学博士,美国哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、南加州大学、爱默生学院访问学者。获第34届田汉戏剧奖理论一等奖、2019 年度中华戏剧学刊联盟青年优秀论文奖。主持和参与5个省级以上课题,20172019年度国家社科基金艺术学重大项目成员;2019年教育部哲学社会科学重大课题成员;上海高校“双一流”建设-高水平地方高校建设项目获得者;2019年上海市教师培养资助计划重点课题获得者。论文发表于《现代传播》《戏剧艺术》《电视研究》等全国核心期刊,专著《戏剧与传播》于上海文艺出版社出版。




Qinghong Lin, PhD, Scholar-Artist

Associate professor, Department of Acting

Shanghai Theatre Academy

POB 200040

630 Huashan Road, Shanghai, China



Qinghong Lin is a scholar-artist with degrees in Laws from Renmin University (BA) and Xiamen University (LLM), and Performance Studies from Shanghai Theatre Academy (PhD). 

She is currently an Associate Professor and Master Tutor of the Acting Department, Shanghai Theatre Academy. Awarded by China Scholarship Council, she was formerly a visiting scholar at Harvard Kennedy School, Emerson College, Yale School of Drama, USC Annenberg and School of Dramatic Arts, where she conducted vast research on public speaking, voice and speech. She used to serve as the Chief TV Host in Xiamen Media Group for 8 years with the honor as the recipient of Top 10 National TV Shows. Her research and creative interests include Mediatization Performance Studies, Intercultural Voice and Acting Training, Dramatic Criticism, Broadcasting and Hosting, and performance in higher education.

Dr. Lin’s first book, Theatre and Communication was published by Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House / ISBN 978-7-5321-8429-3 and received grant award from of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. Her scholarly article the Theory Traveling and Innovation of the Dramatic Actantial Model in China, published in national Top Journal THEATRE ARTS, has won 34th Tian Han Drama Award (National First Prize) and 2019 Youth Outstanding Paper Award by the Chinese Theatre Journals Alliance. 


Languages: English, Mandarin, Minnan dialect (Hokkien), Korean
ns: Voice and Acting Training, Public Speaking, Broadcasting and Hosting, Private Coaching
